Society Publications


A newsletter is produced following each monthly meeting. There is a report on the previous meeting, current news for members and details of forthcoming events and meetings. The Newsletter is distributed primarily by email, and a printed copy is available for those who require it. This is delivered free to addresses in the Alcester B49 postcode area. The Newsletter is available to members and non-members alike  free of charge using the button below.

Local Past

The Journal of the Alcester and District Local History Society

Local Past is published twice a year and contains fully-researched articles, snippets, photographs and readers’ letters.

Production of Local Past would not be possible without the help of our members and contributors. If you would like to submit an article, letter or photograph these will be gladly received. The editor will be pleased to give you help and advice on preparing your contribution.

Local past is on sale at our monthly meetings, on-line, and at the following outlets. Back issues of Local Past are available. Please submit a contact form for further information.

Alcester Library and Museum, Priory Rd, Alcester

PSW Stationery, Bulls Head Yard, Alcester

Mace Service Station, Evesham St, Alcester

PSW Stationery, Alcester Rd, Studley

Occasional Papers

Since 1975 the Society has been publishing a series of Occasional Papers which are the results of research into aspects of the history of the town and surrounding area.

The earlier Occasional Papers are now out of print but are available for loan from Alcester Library and Museum. Please submit a contact form for further information.

Recent editions that are still in print are shown below. These can be purchased at our monthly meetings, on-line or at Alcester Library and Museum, B49 5DZ

Order Publications

Alcester Stroll Leaflets

Two guides to introduce you to the history of the town by taking a leisurely stroll!

Order Publications

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Contact Us


The images on this site are used by kind permission of the owners and must not be copied or otherwise re-used without the express permission of the Society.

Website Design by Alaunaweb